

What is this PLACE???

If you decide to come to plan Z, you will be making a visit to IDA Queer Arts Community. IDA is 243 acres of hills, hollows, creeks, caves, and gardens in oh-so-scenic Tennessee. Founded in 1993 by Radical Fairie boys as the errant sister community to nearby Short Mountain Sanctuary, IDA was later invaded by willful women who moved into the community. Thus began the process of turning the space into a gender-free-for-all. IDA is excited to have Plan Z and secretly hopes the event will be a stepping stone towards its own long term goals (which include answering the question of what in means to have Revolutionary Aspirations in the South; sweet tea and proposals to be shared on the front porch at mid-afternoon sharp).

IDA is part of a larger local network of Fairies, freaks, hippies, and homesteaders. Other intentional communities, including the (in)famous fairie stronghold, Short Mountain Sanctuary, will be integrated into the conference and/or open to Plan Z visitors.

And, of course, our fairie network is part of an even larger local community in DeKalb and Cannon counties. It is a very supportive and tolerant community (we’ll tell you all our favorite stories when you get here). But, when you’re traveling here don’t forget that you may be encountering pockets of rural conservatism.

You mean, these ACCOMODATIONS ain’t the Holiday Inn?

Visiting IDA is a camping experience. We will set up lots of different camping areas to accommodate different preferences and needs. Bring a Tent, Sleeping Bag and Mat, Flashlight, Raingear, Walking Shoes (in addition to that nice pair of sparkly boots), and your own Towel. There will be limited indoor space for people with special needs (who call ahead). We will also have options available for those who can’t beg, borrow, or. . . er. . . find a tent (try to call us ahead of time if this is you).

As for the question we know you have been dying to ask (plumbing and other such mysteries), look forward to doing your business in beautiful well ventilated OutHouses with stunning views. You’ll be keeping clean in Outdoor Solar Showers and our dipping spot in the creek (unless you have special needs – in which case we do have one indoor tub).

We ain’t gonna be roasting VITTLES over a campfire, are we?

We’ll be serving three octagonal (or was that trapezoidal?) meals out of IDA’s Vegetarian Communal Kitchen. We will share this space with a handful of IDA residents.

Though, there will be designated campfire pits and marshmallows etc. (kosher or otherwise) are not discouraged. Not to mention Guitars, Drums, and little red Songbooks.


No, this isn’t national forest but we at IDA work to respect the land which sustains us and we expect visitors to do the same.

We will have trash and recycling cans, so you don’t have to pack out unless you’re into that sort of thing (though if you’re one of those people who can’t last five days without bringing six cases of soda, you might think about volunteering for a dump/recycling run).

There’s lots of woods and creekbeds to explore (and more than a couple caves), and since we don’t have much in the way of marked trails we just ask that people be thoughtful and use common sense when exploring.

We do insist that visitors do not tromp through (or pitch tents on) garden beds. There are lots of them and we’ll be happy to show them off to you when you arrive.

We do not have a septic tank, only greywater system, and then not everywhere. So try to bring non toxic, biodegradable products, cause they’ll just run straight into the creek. We will have alternatives for people who are at a loss as to what biodegradable shampoo might look like (and, for goodness sakes, don’t leave your hairspray at home, we might need to borrow it for the talent show).

Ooh, should I bring my PET?

NO PETS, PLEASE. Our pets are territorial and unfamiliar pets inevitably do a lot of damage to their psyches, not to mention garden beds and our nerves. And yes, this goes for your very well behaved pet too. JUST DON’T BRING THEM, OK?

Can I stay longer to get the full IDA EXPERIENCE?

Yes, Yes, Yes. Come early, stay late, come some other weekend, Come to IDAPALOOZA, our music festival, in late September, spend a few days over at Short Mountain, go to their fall gathering. Our community is set up for visitors and we love to have them. If you come early, you can help set up for plan Z, if you stay late you can help clean up, and either way you’ll get to relax if you want. If you come some other time you can help in gardens, help us with building projects, and talk lots of trash at the kitchen table. To contact IDA to ask about visiting, write us at PO Box 874 Smithville TN 37166, call us at (615) 597-4409, or check out our website at www.planetida.com.

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