Safer Space

We would like to state that there is no such thing as a safe space. We will hold people accountable for their actions and encourage everyone to take some responsibility for their own safety and of those around them. We are taking steps to make this conference a "safer space." We welcome comments and concerns about this.

ABUSERS: No abuse will be tolerated at Plan Z. To help ensure this, we are asking you to let us know of any abusers that may attempt to register. Abusers are not welcome at this conference. If anything arises during the week, conference organizers, counselors and advocates will be available.

SUBSTANCE FREE SPACE: There will be substances used at the conference. We are attempting to make this conference a safer space for people in recovery from substance abuse and substance free folx because we value their ability to participate and feel comfortable at Plan Z. By substance free space, we mean drug and alcohol free. In order to create this, we are asking that people not use substances or show up under the influence in these areas during specified times.

All scheduled daytime events will be substance free (workshops, meals, caucuses, etc&). In the evenings, there will always be substance free space for hanging out (2 nights of the conference, the main events will be substance free). And there will be a camping area designated as substance free. There will also be advocates on hand working on this issue, as well as space for substance free/recovery folx to network and support each other during the week (potentially as its own working group if there is enough interest).

THERE WILL BE SUBSTANCE USE AT THIS CONFERENCE, but it is our goal for it not to be the center of the conference. We are also asking that people not smoke cigarettes in high traffic areas and to step away to smoke during scheduled conference events.

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