

  • Focus on Strategy
  • Move Closer to Long-Term Goals
  • Challenge Ourselves and Heal as We Work thru Our Own Shit
  • Respect all Voices
  • Practicing Solidarity: Creating Space to truly support each other across differences of tactics, backgrounds, and approaches
  • Gender Multiplicity
  • A Parent and Child Inclusive Space
  • Working Towards Breaking Down Barriers of Race, Ability, Age, Sexuality, Class, and Ethnicity
  • Work Together through these frightening times.

    It depends on us all to make this happen!

    This conference is not intended to be "Activism 101." This is an event for folx who have some experience in community work/organizing/activism. In being somewhat exclusive, we are hoping to include groups and individuals who are often forgotten about. If you know anyone who should be there and may not have heard about the conference yet, please invite them!

    This conference will take place on Ida, a Radical Faerie Community in Tennessee. Our backdrop will be wooded hills, hollws, huge organic gardens, and beautiful rustic structures. Accommodations will be mostly camping, with outhouses and solar showers. Simple vegetarian and vegan meals will be provided from a large central kitchen. Meals will be respectfully shared with a handful of community residents. Out of respect for the community and the environment we will strive to have low impact on the land. Pets are not welcome on the land under any circumstances, (except helper animals.)

    We are attempting to offer accomodations for those with disabilities and similar needs. All conference events will be accessible for everyone there. The necessary steps to meet the needs of parents and kids are being taken, including offereing professional and organized childcare. Children of all ages are welcome. We will also have an American Sign Language interpreter.

    While we will do our best to address security concerns, we would like to state that there is no such thing as a safe space. We will hold people accountable for their actions and encourage everyone to take some responsibility for their own safety and of those around them. More details in the SAFER SPACE section.

    The conference will be focused, so come prepared to work! Please come early or stay late to socialize, explore, and/or help out with a project on the land. While no one will be turned away, Ida does request a donation from those who choose to be on the land before or after the conference.

    Home | Purpose | Schedule | Registration | Contact Info. |
    Maps & Directions | Safer Space | Things to Bring/Donations | Land/Accomodations